Peace and Conflict Analysis
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Rahu ja konflikti analüüs
Course title in English
Peace and Conflict Analysis
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Birgit Poopuu (language of instruction:English)
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
This course gives the needed tools to think of peace and violence in more complex terms. During this course, the students will familiarise themselves with different approaches to peace and conflict, the key terms, concepts and perspectives. In turn they will be able to orientate in peace and conflict studies literature, analytically approach both peace and conflict and further their critical thinking.
Brief description of the course
This course gives the needed tools to think of peace and violence in more complex terms. That means that our explorations start with the phenomenon of continuum of violence, which means that important links between peace and conflict are studied, recognising that conflicts affect us differently depending on our situation and context. Starting from feminist peace and conflict studies scholarship to think how and why conflicts take place, how we can study conflicts and why our starting points matter, how we can prevent and respond to conflicts and how we can foster peace – means that conflict analysis as such is problematised from the start and more diverse actors’ experience is taken seriously. During this course the students will familiarise themselves with different approaches to peace and conflict, the key terms, concepts and perspectives. In turn they will be able to orientate in peace and conflict studies literature, analytically approach peace and conflict and further their critical thinking.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has a systematic understanding and knowledge of the principal terms of peace and conflict studies;
- is be able to write critical conflict analyses after independently finding, gathering and evaluating information and texts related to peace and conflict;
- has an efficient grasp on various approaches to peace & conflict in global politics.
Birgit Poopuu
Study programmes containing that course