Contemporary Chinese Society
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Tänapäeva Hiina ühiskond
Course title in English
Contemporary Chinese Society
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2025/2026 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Ainekursuse eesmärk on anda alusteadmised tänapäeva Hiina ühiskonna ja poliitilise süsteemi kohta ning luua võimekus süsteemseks arusaamiseks sellest valdkonnast. Kursuse raames antakse ülevaade tänapäeva Hiina ühiskonna ja riigi ülesehitusest, rahvastikust, usulisest kuuluvusest, haldusjaotusest, majandusest, poliitikast ja rahvusvahelistest suhetest. Kursusel omandatu põhjal luuakse eeldused teoreetiliste ja praktiliste oskuste kujunemiseks, mida saab rakendada tänapäeva Hiina ühiskonna analüüsil. Selliseid oskusi ja analüüsivõimet läheb vaja erialasel tööl näiteks ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni või välissuhete alal ning riigisektoris. Kursus toetab valmisolekut osalemiseks spetsiifilistes Hiina-teemailistes erikursustes ja seminarides.
Brief description of the course
Students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to understand and analyze the social and political processes taking place in China. The course provides systematic basic knowledge of China's geography, population, religious affiliation, political system, domestic and foreign policy, and economy. The lectures and seminars deal with the situation of China's minorities, demography, urbanization and globalization, freedom of speech and individuality, possibilities of using the Internet, civil society, environmental problems, etc. Students learn to connect previously acquired professional knowledge of Chinese culture, history, worldviews, society and politics with topics covered in the course. Practical skills are also acquired, which help to form and defend one's views during the discussion.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- is able to orientate himself in contemporary Chinese society and politics;
- can distinguish important information from unimportant information and connect general knowledge of Sinology with the topics covered in lectures and seminars;
- can analyze texts and authors discussed in seminars;
- is able to form an independent, unbiased and critical opinion based on the acquired knowledge;
- is able to present his views on Chinese society and politics and defend his views in a discussion.
Märt Läänemets