Course title in Estonian
Stilistika ja reklaamitekst
Course title in English
Stylistics and Text in Advertising
Assessment form
graded assessment
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Major. To provide students with necessary knowledge of style and an overview of the specific features of various types of advertising texts and to reinforce acquired knowledge by compiling efficient advertising texts.
Brief description of the course
Written language and general language. Analysis of style: high style, low style, stylistic neutrality. Image of a style. Stylistics of advertising texts. Text and textuality. Text cohesion. Advertising as social communication. Advertising and product: an historic overview. Reception of advertising text, consumer and consumer groups in social group environments. Inducing the recipients response. Advertising as persuasion. BIG IDEA. Compiling a creative task, collecting and analysing information. Elements of advertising text, structure of an advertisement. Headlines of advertisements, their types and influence. The structure of an advertising text depending on the media: printed, radio, television, poster advertisements. New media and advertising. Integrated campaigns and campaign style.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
Loengud ja seminarid.
Üliõpilased saavad 4 iseseisvat stiiliharjutustööd, neid analüüsitakse ühiselt.
Üliõpilane peab osalema vähemalt 80% loengutes.
lekt Olga Kuzmina, Tanel Tomson, Katrin Aava
Study programmes containing that course