Introduction to Electronics and Robotics
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Elektroonika ja robootika alused
Course title in English
Introduction to Electronics and Robotics
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2023/2024 Spring semester
Tiit Kobrusepp (language of instruction:Estonian)
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Acquaintance with electrical characteristics, properties of materials used in electronics and electronic components during lectures and practical work. Acquiring the technological knowledge and practical skills of electronic works, for teaching this subject at the elementary school level.
During the course, basic knowledge for creating robotics and mechatronics systems is acquired. Students know the basic sensors used in automation and robotics and their working principle.
Brief description of the course
Learning the basic concepts and calculation formulas of electrical engineering and electronics. : circuit parameters of electric current, components used in electronics and their conditions, series and parallel connection, current sources, magnetic field of electric current, electromagnetic induction, electric capacitance, alternating and direct current, three-phase current, electrical machines, electrical safety. Methodology of teaching electronics works.
During the internships, you will learn how to design robotic systems on the Arduino platform and how to program in the C language.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- knows the basic materials used in electronics and the construction and working principle of electronic components;
- knows how to use tools and equipment used in electronic work;
- can operate with electrical characteristics, measure them and use them in the preparation of simple electrical diagrams;
- knows the conditions and requirements of safe working;
- knows the programming environment of the C language and knows how to create simpler algorithms;
- can create simpler robotic systems based on Arduino;
- knows the methodology of teaching electronics and robotics.
Tiit Kobrusepp