Course title in Estonian
Haridusalased seadused ja regulatsioonid
Course title in English
Legal Acts and Documents in Education
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Giving an overview of the legislations, documents, and regulation in the European Union and in the Republic of Estonia that treat the rights and obligations of people with special needs and guide and determine the acquiring of education of people with special needs. Treating the international documents and contracts ratified in the Republic of Estonia and giving an overview of the international documents and contracts unratified in the Republic of Estonia that treat the rights and obligations of people with special needs and which are recommended to be followed also from the point of view of the educational conception in the Republic of Estonia.
Brief description of the course
Integration and involvement. Legislations, documents, and regulations of the European Union and the Republic of Estonia that treat the rights and obligations of people with special needs, and guide and determine the acquiring of education of people with special needs. Ratified and unratified laws, documents, and regulation in the Republic of Estonia that determine the rights and obligations of people with special needs, including their rights and obligations in the domain of education. International legislation and its ratification in Estonia. The present state and trends in developing and applying laws. Databases containing legislations, documents, and regulation; processing and information search in databases.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- gets an overview of the notions and the essence of integration and involvement and the importance of these in the modern circumstances;
- has knowledge about and the skill of analysing the legislations, documents, and regulation in the European Union and in the Republic of Estonia that treat the rights and obligations of people with special needs, and guide and determine the acquiring of education of people with special needs;
- gets an overview of and acquire the skill of analysing the ratified and unratified laws, documents, and regulation in the Republic of Estonia that determine the rights and obligations of people with special needs, including their rights and obligations in the domain of education;
- has skill sof working with databases containing legislations, documents, and regulations.
Study programmes containing that course