Course title in Estonian
Põhipraktika II
Course title in English
Basic Teaching Practice II
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
1. To create opportunities for the implementation and development of subject and pedagogical competences in the school environment through supervised practice.
2. To support the development of the teacher's professional identity in cooperation between school and university.
3. To support the professional development of the student through feedback and self-analysis, and to develop readiness for lifelong professional development.
Brief description of the course
The student participates in the school's pre-seminar, talks with the school’s headmaster and subject teacher(s), observes 8–10 (4–5 for students working as computer science teachers) computer science lessons and prepares a summary analysis of the observed lessons.
Prepares and conducts a total of 24–30 (10–15 for students working as computer science teachers) computer science lessons and conducts subject-related events. As part of the class teacher’s work, during the internship, the class teacher conducts classes, organizes field trips and extracurricular events, and participates in teachers’ work meetings.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- plans the learning process on the basis of the national and school curriculum, sets learning objectives based on the learner, selects appropriate learning content and teaching methods and feedback methods, integrating different subjects and subject areas;
- masters the subject content, uses educational technology solutions and correct subject terminology in the learning process;
- links pedagogical knowledge with subject knowledge in the learning process, adapts the learning process to the needs of learners;
- analyses the possibilities of cooperation to support the learner's development in the school and the role of the class teacher in the learning-education process;
- analyses the learning and educational process in cooperation with supervisors, reflects on his/her own professional development and plans further activities on this basis.
Additional information
Vastavalt digitehnoloogiate instituudi nõukogu 21.03.2023 istungi otsusele nr 1-6/42 ei rakendata antud aine puhul varasemate õpingute ja töökogemuse (VÕTA) arvestamist.
Study programmes containing that course