Chinese Medicine and Traditional Health Practices
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Hiina meditsiin ja klassikalised tervisepraktikad
Course title in English
Chinese Medicine and Traditional Health Practices
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The course gives an overview of Chinese medicine theory and diagnostics in order to use them in their everyday life.
Brief description of the course
The course gives an overview of the history of Chinese medicine and introduces basic theories, simple methods of diagnostics and various types of therapies.
Chinese medicine is inseparable part of Chinese traditional culture, which has a strong philosophic background. Chinese medicine and various health practices form a homogenious system, which combines unique theoretical foundation with enduring practical experience. The philosophic base of Chinese medicine include theories of qi-energy, yin and yang theory, the ideas of harmony and five agents, which will be introduced during the course.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- has basic knowledge about Chinese health philosophy and its origins;
- has a general overview of Chinese medicine common theories and methods;
- is able to explain physical and mental symptoms according to Chinese medicine ;
- is able to make a distinction between various approaches and practical modes;
- is able to comment on simple therapeutic methods.
Additional information
1. loeng: Hiina tervisefilosoofia: sissejuhatus ja ajalugu
2. loeng: Hiina kosmogoonia ja yin’i ja yang’i (yīnyáng) teooria; haiguste põhjused
3. loeng: Meditsiini alusmõisted: Kolm Aaret ehk Jīng (Essents); Xuè (Veri) ja Qì (Hingus); Qi erinevad vormid inimkehas
4. loeng: Viie elemendi teooria ehk wŭxíng teooria
5. loeng: Viis kehatüüpi ja nende seos erinevate haigustega. Praktiline osa: oma kehatüübi määramine
6. loeng: Tervis ja zàng fŭ teooria ehk siseorganite teooria. Praktiline osa: organite seos emotsioonide ning toitumisega
7. loeng: Ülevaade haiguste sümptomitest ja diagnostikast
8. loeng: Keele- ja pulsidiagnostika. Praktiline osa: kuidas lugeda oma keha ja mõista erinevaid sümptomeid
9. loeng: Akupunktuur ja jīng luò ehk kanalite teooria. Praktiline osa, omandame olulisemad punktid, mida on võimalik ise akupressuuriga mõjutada
10. loeng: Klassikaline taimeravi (zhōngcăoyào). Praktiline osa: tutvume tuntumate ravimtaimede ning nende kasutamisvõimalustega
11. loeng: Erinevad teraapiad: mokša (jiŭ), Gua Sha (guā shā), Tuina massaaž (tuīná), kuputeraapia (bá guàn zǐ). Praktiline osa: mokša ja lihtsamate massaaživõtete tutvustamine
12. loeng: Meditsiiniline qigong (qìgōng)– lühidalt ajaloost, põhimõtetest ning filosoofiast
13. loeng: Praktikum: qigongi harjutused (“Seitse staatilist harjutust”)
14. loeng: Arutelu, kordamine, küsimused