Chinese Medicine
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Hiina meditsiin
Course title in English
Chinese Medicine
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The course gives an overview of Chinese medicine theory, diagnostics and treatment methods.
Brief description of the course
The course gives an overview of the history of Chinese medicine and introduces basic theories, simple methods of diagnostics and various types of therapies. Among some topics introduced during the course are: the theory of five elements, meridians and accupuncture, moksa, qigong, nutrition and herbal therapy.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- knows main theories of Chinese medicine and is able to shortly describe them;
- is able to make diagnostics of the simple health problems based on the observation and questioning;
- knows how to stop the progression of the the health problems and is able to apply prophylactics for strengthening health;
- understands the effects of different Chinese medicine therapies and is able to describe them;
- is able to perform simple Qigong - Chinese health exercise.
Jana Saarmann
Additional information
Nädal 1: HM ajalugu, hiina meditsiini põhiteooriad - yin ja yang

Nädal 2: 5 elementi

Nädal 3: 3 kalliskivi - Jing, Qi ja Shen

Nädal 4: Siseorganid, maks ja süda

Nädal 5: Kopsud ja neerud

Nädal 6: Põrn ja magu

Nädal 7: Haiguspõhjused

Nädal 8: Meridiaanid ja akupunktid

Nädal 9: Diagnostika meetodid

Nädal 10: Ravimeetodid - nõelravi, tuina, moksa, gua sha ja kuputeraapia

Nädal 11: Ravimeetodid - qigong, toitumine ja taimeravi

Nädal 12: Enamlevinud terviseprobleemide käsitlus hiina meditsiinis

Nädal 13: Seminar: haiguslugude arutelu

Nädal 14: Seminar: terviseprobleemide ja ravimeetodite arutelu