Practical Chinese Language II
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Praktiline hiina keel II
Course title in English
Practical Chinese Language II
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The course aims on giving a knowledge and ability of Chinese language necessary for participating in simple conversations and in practical everyday situations. It will also give a general information about contemporary Chinese culture and customs.
Brief description of the course
The course is designed to give basic knowledge of Chinese language on upper elementary level. It acquires basic knowledge of Chinese grammar, pronunciation and writing system. During the course the students will learn approximately 300 characters and 600 new words.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- is able to make simple and complex sentences, using vocabulary and grammar he or she learned during the course in both written and oral form;
- is able to read and write short texts and write a letter or en email;
- has basic knowledge of Chinese language and culture and is able to apply this knowledge in actual communication.
Zhuoya Wu
Additional information
Prerequisite course CIC6041.CI Practical Chinese Language I.
The course contains following themes:
1. People’s relations: family, family members, friends, colleagues etc.
2. People’s physiology, health, hygiene.
3. Ways of spending spare time: movies, television, reading, travelling, sports.
4. Food and table manners. Comparison of European and Asian cuisine and eating manners.
5. Education and work.
6. In the city: asking for directions, giving directions.
7. Shopping: prices, barganing, buying things.
8. Talking about weather.
9. In the hospital: asking for help, describing one’s health condition.
10. In the hotel: booking the room, making complaints etc.
1. Simple past and past perfect forms (affirmative, interrogative and negative).
2. Future forms.
3. Adjectives (comparison forms).
4. Modal verbs.
5. Verbal prepositions.
6. Numerals (large numbers).
7. The formation of adverbs on the basis of adjectives.
8. Makingcomplex sentences.
Vocabulary, reading and writing:
During the course the students are supposed to learn approximately 300 characters and 600 new words. They can recognize the new words in the texts, are able to write them down and combine them into simple sentences and phrases. They are able to write a letter or an email.