Study programme code
Study programme administrator
Erkki Soika
MER study programme code
School / college
LT - School of Natural Sciences and Health
Study programme title in Est.
Loodusteaduste õpetaja
study programme title in Engl.
Science Teacher
Language of instruction
Study level
Master's studies
Study programme group
teacher training and educational science
Study programme subgroup
Teacher training with subject specialisation
Nominal study period (in semesters)
Nominaalaja lisasemestreid
Access conditions
Until 2022 admission, a bachelor's degree in natural sciences, show more...
a diploma of applied higher education or an equivalent qualification in biology, physics, geography/geoecology, chemistry, or completion of the subjects specified in the minors of biology, physics, geography/geoecology, chemistry in the amount of at least 45 ECTS was necessary to start studying in the major.
As of 2023, admission requirements are a Bachelor’s Degree, Diploma of Professional Higher Education, or a corresponding qualification in Biology, Physics, Geography/Geoecology, Chemistry.
For admission to Upper Secondary School Teacher of Natural Sciences as the main field of study:
1. the student must have completed specialty subjects in the volume specified in the compensatory module of the relevant field of study (Biology, Physics, Geography or Chemistry);
2. if the candidate lacks professional competence in the volume specified in the compensatory module, then the student must complete specialty subjects specified in the compensatory module in addition to the Master’s subjects.
In order to choose the compensatory module for Teacher of Upper Secondary School as the main field of study, the student must have previously completed specialty subjects in the volume of at least 12 ECTS.
For admission to Basic School Teacher of Natural Sciences as the main field of study:
1. the student must have completed specialty subjects in the volume specified in the compensatory module of the relevant field of study (Biology, Physics, Geography or Chemistry);
2. if the candidate lacks professional competence in the volume specified in the compensatory module, then the student must complete specialty subjects specified in the compensatory module in addition to the Master’s subjects.
Admission exam.
Minimum level of proficiency of the Estonian language at B2 level according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages. The minimum level of proficiency of the English language at B1 level according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Degrees conferred
haridusteaduse magister
Study programme aims and objectives
- To promote the development of a scientifically based and exploratory approach to the teaching profession and readiness for continuous professional self-development;
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- To provide comprehensive academic education in the field of Biology, Physics, Geography and Chemistry, competence to work as a teacher of Biology, Physics, Geography or Chemistry (at the basic of upper secondary level) and the preparedness to continue studies, including at doctoral level;
- To promote the shaping of competencies required from a basic or upper secondary school
teacher of Biology, Physics, Geography or Chemistry, who has a high level of environmental
awareness and an integrative grasp of science.
Learning outcomes of the study programme
- has knowledge of the basic concepts, theories and research methods of general, field and subject didactics and can apply them in the teaching profession show more...
- distinguishes between different educational paradigms and is able to critically assess the possibilities of their application
- forms interdisciplinary connections between pedagogical-psychological and specific field-related knowledge
- acts according to professional and ethical standards for teachers and has preparedness to participate in the civil society
- can plan and manage the teaching process, design the learning environment, guide the learning process of learners and support learning motivation
- can work in a team and as a team leader, including different partners: learners, colleagues and other participants of the educational system
- can use different teaching and scientific methods as well as educational technology tools in teaching and learning the subject, in analysis and design of the learning environment and in evaluation of the learners' development, knows different methods for passing on knowledge
- can demonstrate through independent research deeper knowledge of educational studies and teacher training in the subject area both in Estonian and in the foreign language relevant to the field of study
- can integrate different subject-based topics with other subjects taught at general education schools, is able to connect subject-based knowledge with the curriculum and topics of a general education school and with everyday life
- can describe and analyse the pedagogical process and factors influencing it, including for the purpose of self-reflection, further professional development and for planning changes in the educational process
- has preparedness to continue studies at doctoral level
Graduation requirements
In order to graduate, the student shall complete the study programme in the given volume, show more...
which includes passing all compulsory courses and compiling and defending the Master’s thesis.
In the chosen speciality, all subject areas that are valid in the minor field of study on the basis of the national curriculum, must be acquired
Since the admission of year 2016, students are required to pass at least one course which uses a foreign language as the language of instruction.
Students who have not graduated from upper secondary schools where Estonian is the language of instruction, or who have graduated from schools where Estonian is only partly the language of instruction, are required to have Estonian language proficiency at C1 level.
Study programme version structure:
Module type
total ECTS credits
subject-specific didactics