Introduction to Health Promotion
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Sissejuhatus tervisedendusse
Course title in English
Introduction to Health Promotion
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2024/2025 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2025/2026 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Students will get an understanding of social, cultural and subjective determinants of health and health behaviour and knowledge how to affect health behaviour effectively.
Brief description of the course
WHO Health concept. Health Promotion concepts. International Health promotion Organizations: WHO, UNICEF, UN etc, health policy and strategies. Most important international developments. Health promotion and health education. Universal, selective and determined prevention levels. Health policy and health determinants. National health strategies.
Principles of planning, implementing, coordinating and evaluating health promotion activities. Quantitative and qualitative research in Health promotion and health education. Research examples: Health behaviour. ESPAD etc. Good practice in Health Promotion and Health Education. Community health. The role of media in health behaviour. Advertising strategies and behaviour. Consumer health.
Regulations and consumer health.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
Describes theoretical background to the concepts and principles of health promotion; is able to choose effective ones.
Knows how to affect determinants of physical, mental and social well being
Is able to make a difference between Health Promotion and Health Education; Universal and selective prevention.
Understands the critical role of the research process and its application in the development of knowledge and best practice in health promotion.
Is able to explain the main principles of health promotion planning, management, implementation and evaluation.
Knows most important health promotion and health education organizations on international and local level having a picture of their activities (Policies, strategies, action plans).
Ability to explain strategies of community health.
Analyses the role of different media factors in affecting health behaviour.