Outcome-centred Assessment in Vocational Education
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Väljundipõhine hindamine kutseõppes
Course title in English
Outcome-centred Assessment in Vocational Education
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2023/2024 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
The objective of the course is to support the formation of preparedness to plan and implement in vocational education the assessment of the acquisition of learning outcomes in assessing theoretical knowledge and practical skills, including key competences and attitudes, based on the target group of students. The aim is to support the formation of skills in students in terms of information gathering, critical and creative interpretation, recognition of interdisciplinary connections and cooperation.
Brief description of the course
The principle of outcome-centredness in the vocational training system and vocational education. The nature of outcome-centred assessment, concepts and principles in vocational training. Learning outcomes of an outcome-centred modular curriculum, their cohesion with assessment. Planning and implementing outcome-centred evaluation that supports purposeful learning and the development of the student: evaluation criteria and their formulation on the basis of learning outcomes; assessment criteria and their selection based on learning outcomes and the characteristics of the student. Differential and non-differential assessment, formative and summative assessment, participatory evaluation and self-assessment in outcome-centred education. Planning and conducting summative assessment. Integrating key skills and general education into learning outcomes and evaluation criteria, assessment of attitudes. Taking into account students with special educational needs when planning and implementing the evaluation of the module.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
After completing the Course the Student:
- Analyses evaluation in a vocational curriculum based on the principles of outcome-centred assessment;
- Plans the assessment, based on learning outcomes, of a vocational curriculum module which is methodically founded and supports the development of students, applying the principles of outcome-centred assessment, including participatory and formative assessment;
- Plans assessment methods in outcome-centred evaluation which are timely and relevant and support the assessment of the key competences and attitudes of students;
- Implements what has been learned about outcome-centred assessment in planning the evaluation of the knowledge and skills of students with special educational needs;
- Analyses him/herself as an assessor of competencies, using self-assessment principles.
Sirje Rekkor