Theory and General Didactics of Musical Education in Classes 1-3
Course code
old course code
Course title in Estonian
Muusikalise kasvatuse teooria ja didaktika 1.-3. klassini
Course title in English
Theory and General Didactics of Musical Education in Classes 1-3
ECTS credits
Assessment form
lecturer of 2023/2024 Spring semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
lecturer of 2024/2025 Autumn semester
Not opened for teaching. Click the study programme link below to see the nominal division schedule.
Course aims
Create possibilities to acquire competences in musical education. Create consistent vision of teaching music at the first stage of school.

Brief description of the course
Music as an educational phenomenon. Possibilities of music in forming the pupil’s personality. Listening to music as the basis of music study. Pedagogical aspects of listening to music and teaching methods. Activating methods of listening to music. Singing together as a socio-cultural process. Role of song repertoire in educating process. Methodology and methods of teaching singing. Formation and development of singing voice. Differenciated work with pupils being behind by their musical development. Methodical basis of teaching playing instruments (Carl Orff’s system)..Musical-rythmical moving in the development of musical activeness. Dance, play with songs, round dance, musical play. Methods of acquisition of musical literacy. Method of relative note study (Zoltan Kodaly system). Music lesson as the main form of music study. Kinds and structure of music lessons. Ingredients of a music lesson and their coherence.Role of a teacher in the process of music study.
Learning outcomes in the course
Upon completing the course the student:
- is able to make notes for lessons and carry them out creatively in music lessons;
- is able to select and teach song repertoire using different methods;
- is able to compose rhythm and melody accompaniments and to play them on various instruments;
- is able to analyse music works and is very familiar with the methods of listening to music;
- is familiar with round dances and plays with songs, and are able to teach them;
- is very familiar with methods of relative note study and are able to use it in teaching process;
- is able to work at study literature about methods and music (music schoolbook, workbook and a range of CDs for listening).
dotsent PhD Maia Muldma